viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

Future perfect simple and future continuous

Hi class, Anthony here, and for the blog entry I wanted to talk about two different times of future:
 Future continuous and future perfect simple.

First of all I wanted to talk about future continuous. It's a kind of future that is used for expressing actions that will happen in a particular moment of future. For example:

Andrew can't go to the party. He'll be working all day tomorrow.

We can see in this phrase that the action that will happen is "working all day", and the particular moment of future is "tomorrow".

It's formed like this:

Affirmative: Subject + will be + V- ing + complements
Negative:     Subject + won't be + V- ing + complements
Interrogative: Will + subject + be + V-ing + complements

And after seeing future continuous lets see future perfect simple:

We use this kind of future for talking about actions that will end in a particular moment of future. For example:

By the year 2020 I will have finished my studies at University.

The action that will end is "I will have finished my studies", and the particular moment is "year 2020".

You can form it like this:

Affirmative: Subject + will have + participe + complements
Negative:     Subject + won't have + participe + complements
Interrogative: Will + subject + have + participe + complements

So that's all about future continuous and future perfect simple. In the next page you can find some exercises for practicing.

Thanks for reading.

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