jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

Hello class. Here I leave a web page where a brief explanation of the reported speech and a series of exercises with solutions appears.

domingo, 11 de junio de 2017

Grammar review.

Hi class.
I leave you a video tutorial and exercises to solve your doubts about all the grammar.


I hope this page helps you to understand the grammar better.
Resultado de imagen de good luck

Good luck with the final exam.

Reported Speech

Hello class,

This is a link where you can find the explanation of reported speech.


Here, If you want to practice click on the link.


I hope it helps! Thanks you!! 😊

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017


Hi class, i'm Laura and in this post i give you a link about defining and non-defining relative clauses. I hope that helps.


martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Hi class, here, you have a link to practise your listening and other english tests 


In this link, you can do english exams of different levels of english (A2,B1, B2...)


domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Hello class, I´m Sergio and i give you a link that has served me to do my presentation about traditions in UK. 


In this link there is a calendar that you can use to search a date about a tradition and explain you a bit it

thank and see you later

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


Click on the title to watch a video about Reported speech.
Click on the picture to go to a web page to practise reported speech. 

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017


Hi class, in this publication you have a presentation about how form the conditionals, when we have use it and there are exercise to practise too. I hope you have helped.


lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017


  Hello class! I'm Marta, here you have a photo that can help you with the conditionals and a video about the passive

Resultado de imagen de condicionales ingles

 Hi class, I'm Alberto and today I'll explain you briefly what is a time clause, how to identify them and their rules.

Time clauses
Time clauses are used in English to demonstrate a period of time based on an action or event, similar to dependent clauses in conditional sentences.  Time clauses are complete ideas that require subjects, verbs and objects, but they do not always use the same verb rules as the main clause.

Identifying them
 Time clauses are preceded by adverbs or adverb phrases that show they represent a time. These include when, after, until, as soon as, before... When we form a time clause, the adverb of time joins two ideas, linking the main clause to the time in a dependent way. For example:

I will master English after I complete every exercise in my textbook.

Time clause rules
Time clauses only use different rules for future tenses; when talking about past or present events, you can generally use regular tenses for time clauses. For the future, we use the present tenses to talk about future times:

He will finish reading the book after he eats dinner. (Not after he will eat dinner.)

 -Thanks for your atention, I hope you find it useful!

Hello class. Here I leave a link to a web page where you explain the passive and the causative.
hi guys, here I leave exercises of causitive for practising.

Passive voice

Hi guys, here I let you a web page when you can find some help for changing sentences from active to passive voice. I hope it is helpful for you.

Conditional First, Second and third

In that link you can practice how to do the conditionals and the exercices are interactive.

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017


Hello class, my name is Noelia and I'm going to put this link of the cause that exposes it is very well and in a very easy way.
I hope it helps you, greetings guys.


Lo utilizamos para expresar que alguien nos hace algo.
Servicios que nos presta un profesional y le pagamos por ello.

Have y get tienen el mismo significado. 

Get es más frecuente en el speaking y en las formas imperativasINFORMAL
Get your hair cut! (Ve a cortarte el pelo)

You must get this pipe fixed as soon as possible. Debes hacer arreglar esta tubería lo antes posible.

§  cortarme el pelo (la peluquera)—–have/get my hair cut
§  revisarme la vista (el oculista)—–have/get my eyes checked   

He repaired his car (Él mismo reparó su coche)
He had his car repaired (by the mechanic) HAVE SOMETHING DONE

 Present Simple
 I have/get my car  repaired.
 Past Simple
 I  had/got  my car  repaired.
 Present Continuous
 I’m having/getting  my car repaired.
 Past Continuous
 I  was having/getting  my car  repaired.
 Present Perfect
 I  have had  my car  repaired.
 Past Perfect
 I  had had  my car  repaired.
 I  will have my car  repaired.
 I  must have  my car  repaired.
 Future continuous
 I  will be having my car  repaired.
 Future perfect
 I  will have  my car  repaired.
 Have   my car   repaired!

OTRO USO DE LA CAUSATIVA. Para referirnos a un hecho desagradable que le ha ocurrido a alguien con alguna pertenencia, usaremos esta estructura

§ She  had  her  PURSE  stolen  last week. 
(Le robaron el monedero la semana pasada)

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


This link shows an explanation of the passive voice I hope it helps 
Soledad Canovas Martinez B1BH

Resultado de imagen de pasiva en ingles

Hello class! In this prezi I teach you how to transform sentences from active voice to passive voice with some examples. I hope it helps you.


martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

A good description

Hello, i´m Sergio Pelegrin and i´m going to explain you how to do a good description of  a picture. You never must forget ``the four w´´: Who, What, When and Where.
You can start your description with a phrase how ``In this picture I can see´´

This is an example of a description: ``In this picture i can see a family (WHO) who are eating (WHAT) on the beach (WHERE) and i think that it is in summer (WHEN) because they are wearing short sleeves t-shirt and shorts.

In a description you must use present continuous and you should use expresions of possibility.
Too you can say the hour and other things how type of food.

I hope that it help you. Bye

Resultado de imagen de foto de familia comiendo en la playa

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017


Hello class, here I leave a link to see a video where the causative is explained very well and another link with exercises to review the causative form.
I hope it helps you to review for the exam. Bye

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Hi class.
This link is a video, in this we can learn the diferences between the reported speech and the direct speech.


lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017


Hello class,

This is a link where you can find the explanation of  Have/Get Something done.


Here, If you want to practice click on the link.


I hope it helps!! Thanks you! 😉


Hello class! here you have a list with the explanation of some linking words or connectors.
It'll be useful for you in order to make a good writing.


domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Hi class, I'm Mª Belén and in this post I'll explain you four types of conditionals:

  • Zero Conditional: Is used when the time to which we refer is now or always and the situation is real and possible. This type of conditional is usually used to talk about general acts.
                           If + Present Simple + Present Simple.
                           If you heat it melts.
                           Si se calienta, se derrite
                           If it rains the grass gets wet.
                           SI llueve, la hierba se moja.

  • First Conditional: Is used to refer to the present or future when the situation is real. The first conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable outcome.

                           If + Present Simple + Future Simple.
                           If you don't hurry you will miss the train.
                           Si no tiene prisa, perderá el tren.
                           If it rains today you will get wet.
                           Si hoy llueve, se mojará.

  • Second Conditional: It is used to refer to a moment that can be now at any moment and a situation that is not real. It is used to refer to a hypothetical condition and its probable outcome.

                            If + Past Simple + Would.
                            If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.
                           Si hablara italiano, estaría trabajando en Italia.
                           If you went to bed earlier you wouldn’t be so tired.
                           Si te acostaras antes, no estarías tan cansado.

  • Third Conditional: It is used to refer to a time in the past and a situation contrary to reality. It is used to refer to a condition of the past that isn’t real.

                            If + Past Perfect Simple + Would Have + Past Participle.
                            If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.
                            Si hubieras estudiado, hubieses aprobado el exámen.
                            If I had accepted that promotion I would have been working in Milan.
                            Si hubiera aceptado esa promoción, habría estado trabajando en Milán.

If you want to put it into practice, click on the link and do the exercises.

Thank you for reading! I hope it helps.

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017


Hi class.
I leave you a video tutorial and exercises to solve your doubts about the conditionals.
I hope this pages helps you to understand the conditionals better.


Hello everybody,

This is a link where you can find the explanation of the passive voice. There are also exercises to practise and videos. In addition, if you have any doubt about the conditional you can also go to check it.

I hope this page helps you to understand the grammar better. 😊