domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Hi class, I'm Mª Belén and in this post I'll explain you four types of conditionals:

  • Zero Conditional: Is used when the time to which we refer is now or always and the situation is real and possible. This type of conditional is usually used to talk about general acts.
                           If + Present Simple + Present Simple.
                           If you heat it melts.
                           Si se calienta, se derrite
                           If it rains the grass gets wet.
                           SI llueve, la hierba se moja.

  • First Conditional: Is used to refer to the present or future when the situation is real. The first conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable outcome.

                           If + Present Simple + Future Simple.
                           If you don't hurry you will miss the train.
                           Si no tiene prisa, perderá el tren.
                           If it rains today you will get wet.
                           Si hoy llueve, se mojará.

  • Second Conditional: It is used to refer to a moment that can be now at any moment and a situation that is not real. It is used to refer to a hypothetical condition and its probable outcome.

                            If + Past Simple + Would.
                            If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.
                           Si hablara italiano, estaría trabajando en Italia.
                           If you went to bed earlier you wouldn’t be so tired.
                           Si te acostaras antes, no estarías tan cansado.

  • Third Conditional: It is used to refer to a time in the past and a situation contrary to reality. It is used to refer to a condition of the past that isn’t real.

                            If + Past Perfect Simple + Would Have + Past Participle.
                            If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.
                            Si hubieras estudiado, hubieses aprobado el exámen.
                            If I had accepted that promotion I would have been working in Milan.
                            Si hubiera aceptado esa promoción, habría estado trabajando en Milán.

If you want to put it into practice, click on the link and do the exercises.

Thank you for reading! I hope it helps.

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